Publication or Resource

Gatzweiler, F.
A New Interdisciplinary Science Plan for Urban Health and Wellbeing in an Age of Increasing Complexity.
Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
36(2), 21—26.
World Health Organization (Eds.).
WHO Housing and health guidelines - Recommendations to promote healthy housing for a sustainable and equitable future.
World Health Organization.

The WHO Housing and health guidelines bring together the most recent evidence to provide practical recommendations to reduce the health burden due to unsafe and substandard housing.

Transforming Transport and Cities in NZ: A Note for the Climate Change Commission’s Engagements on Transport and Urban Form.
New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities, Wellington.
Hasan, M. A. Frame, D. J.
Acceptability of Transport Emissions Reduction Policies: A Multi-Criteria Analysis.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
133, 110298.
Ürge-Vorsatz, D.
1.5°C of Global Warming: Can We Still Get There? Insights from the Urban Development Sector.
In L. Grant, H. Viggers & P. Howden-Chapman (Eds.), Improving Buildings, Cutting Carbon.
Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts, Aotearoa
Climate change, extreme rainfall events, drinking water and enteric disease.
Reviews on Environmental Health,
Hess, J.J. Ranadive, N. Boyer, C.J. Aleksandrowicz, L. ... et al.
Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions.
Environmental Health Perspectives,
Mizdrak, A. Cobiac, L. J. Cleghorn, C. L. Blakely, T.
Fuelling walking and cycling: human powered locomotion is associated with non-negligible greenhouse gas emissions.
Scientific reports


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